The Enneagram
The Enneagram is a powerful spiritual and personal development tool that represents 9 strategies (types) for understanding yourself, others and the world. Its focus on what motivates you to think, feel and respond the way you do makes it unique. Understanding your and others' motivations heightens trust and develops positive relationships.
The Enneagram provides a path to Wholeness. It is the journey of unraveling who you were created to be.

Develops an understanding of what motivates people and how that affects the way they view the world.
Encourages self-observation to discover habits that create issues in relationships and daily living as well as insight into our gifts and True Self.
Discover your personality type to reach your highest potential in relationships, career, and spiritual life.
Provides a comprehensive picture of the strengths and weaknesses of each type, how all people embody some aspects of each type, and how, with focused practice, you may access strengths of other types.
Learn practices and strategies that support healthy spiritual and personal development.
Way back to God and who you were created to be.
Value of the Enneagram
"I met Julie shortly after discovering the Enneagram. I am forever grateful for her compassionate guidance in this journey to know myself better and connect with my thoughts, feelings, and emotions. She has shown me the value of the Enneagram as a tool for understanding myself, navigating in challenging times, and engaging fully with the world around me."
Cathleen Simpson, age 65, retired IT project manager

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