Centering Prayer
Tuesday, 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Grace Lutheran Church
5201 Urbandale Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50310
We are currently meeting on Zoom
Contact Julie Honsey if you wish to join:
4 Seeds of Compassion Flavored by Enneagram Type
In four sessions, we will explore feelings that arise when your Enneagram type’s Essential Qualities and Virtue generate energetic movements that open your heart bringing about responses of compassionate presence and action. We will also explore feelings that arise from employing type-based patterns and strategies that maintain your type’s motivation which closes the heart generating energetic movements that bring about responds that lack compassionate presence and action. The aim is to learn how to shift energy through awareness to open your heart in order to respond with compassionate presence and action.
The Enneagram is a powerful spiritual and personal development tool that represents 9 strategies (types) for understanding yourself, others, and the world. Its focus on what motivates you to think, feel and respond the way you do makes it unique. Understanding your and others' motivations heightens trust and develops positive relationships. The Enneagram provides a path to Wholeness. It is the journey of unraveling who you were created to be.
The 4 Seeds of Compassion are attributes that when attention is focused on sprout in hearts the kind of love that motivated Jesus to live a life of loving kindness. In living a life of loving kindness, Jesus not only modeled what it means to be truly human, but he entrained the hearts of those who followed him to live a truly human life of loving kindness as well.
Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
-Philippians 4: 8
In the above passage from his letter to the Philippians St. Paul is urging the reader to focus attention on things that display the Essential Enneagram Qualities and Virtues allowing them to become beacons that guide your thinking, feeling, and responding. The passage implies that when your thoughts are focused on excellent things your mind will be attuned to Christ, transforming you into a “farmer of the heart.”
The four seeds of compassion; nonjudgement, nonviolence, forgiveness, and mindfulness, are qualities that attune minds to Christ. To act from that attunement is a result of attention being focused on excellent things, Essential Qualities, Virtues or inner movements that move you toward responses of compassionate presence and action.
Julie Honsey is a trained Boundless Compassion Facilitator and former special ed teacher who is certified as a coach in The Enneagram Narration tradition.
-4 individual or small group session no larger than 3 members. Bi-weekly 90-minute gatherings for a 2-month period. If you would like to participate and haven’t identified your Enneagram type or aren’t familiar with the Enneagram, contact Julie for help in determining your type.
Session 1
-Qualities of the 4 Seeds of Compassion.
-Essence qualities of each Enneagram type.
-Operating systems of the heart.
-Using awareness to identify present moment states.
Session 2
Overview of triggers of the Enneagram types in times of stress or disintegration that block your ability to attend to inner movements that lead you toward compassionate presence and action.
Session 3
Overview of the qualities of an open heart in times of security or integration that attend to inner movements that lead toward compassionate presence and action.
Session 4
Discussion on living from a place of an open heart that attends to inner movements that lead toward compassionate presence and action.
The sessions will be conducted over Zoom for those who aren’t fully vaccinated or don’t live in the Des Moines area. For those who are fully vaccinated, live in the Des Moines area and have a desire to meet in person, the sessions will be held at my office in The Thoreau Center located on the corner of Kingman Blvd and 35th St in Des Moines.
Registration fee: $100.00 per person for groups of 3, $125.00 per person for groups of 2, $150.00 for individual sessions. Payment options are Venmo or personal check.
Choose your session dates
October 2022/November 2022
Week 1: October 3
Week 2: October 17
Week 3: October 31
Week 4: November 14
Then register for a day and time for the session date you've chosen. All times are Central Standard Time.
10:00 am - 11:30 am
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
8:30 am - 10:00 am
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm